Thursday, September 9, 2010

Awesome Website - ToneMatrix

Awesome of the Day for September 9th is the website ToneMatrix ( It's a little flash app that lets you create music just by filling in blocks. The beat line goes across the columns and the blocks are like notes. The higher you place them, the higher pitched the sound is. Sound confusing? Then you're stupid, because it's easy and AWESOME. Perhaps a visual would help?

This is the future. Okay, maybe not but it's cool   

Yes, that is a poorly drawn Mario jumping over a poorly drawn pipe to a poorly drawn question mark block. And yes, I made that.

Copy The Music, Literally
Another cool feature about ToneMatrix is that you can literally copy your tune and paste other people's tunes. How? Just right click on the app and click "Copy". Mind. Blown.

My Mario image / tune is this code, for example:
 Just copy that and paste it into the app.

Secret Awesomeness!
Here's another code for a super secret message.

What is it? If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, would it? The correct answer is "No, it wouldn't", BTW.

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